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Опубликованно: 06.10.2004.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
Фрагмент работы

Moreover, there are additional ways the author used to make this issue more interesting, such as using metaphors and imagery. An example of this is in the thesis, where the author uses the metaphor: "...these are the seeds of bias that, when left unchecked in children even as young as 2 and 3, can grow into full-blown prejudice-..." The author is implying that if these negative bias opinions that children are developing are not taken care of, then those opinions can grow into more negative things, such as discrimination or hatred. An example of the imagery used in this essay is when the author is telling short stories about the situations in which children show bias behaviour- the descriptions allow the reader to imagine what the situation was like, and perhaps even how the children may have felt if in their shoes.
In my opinion, I find that the author did a pleasing job of getting a point across, as well as making the reader more intensely concerned with the issue at hand. Perhaps I feel this way due to the fact that I find this subject matter to be interesting- I've always enjoyed reading or learning about the ways of society, or the different opinions of others, or the way people think and act- which is all included in the essay. Overall, this essay talked about the way children perceive things and of the flaws in our society, which I have very strong opinions about, so this essay was very appealing to me as the reader.

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