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Опубликованно: 07.06.2005.
Язык: Английский
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Фрагмент работы

This helps to account for the legal status of alcohol, alcohol was once considered legal. The use of alcohol is not considered a drug too many however, being once accepted in the 1850s now the use of alcohol has been looked at as being the cause of many criminal activities and violence s that have occurred within different societies. In the 1850's alcohol was considered. However, after much research done by many scientists and practioners alcohol was seen has deviant, addictive and the explanation of many instances of wrongs done in society. Explain why your drug was made illegal... Therefore alcohol was prohibited. Alcohol was prohibited in Alcoholism as a disease.) In the early 1800's is when alcohol was first regarded as a social problem. It was common to give alcohol to children, after alcohol was blamed for missing children crime etc.…

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