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Опубликованно: 01.12.2003.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
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Фрагмент работы

Bipolar Disorder 7
with their monthly menstrual cycle ( Geller, B., Luby, J. ). Adolescents also exhibit irritability and outbursts of destructive rage. Rages that are violent and often result in exhaustion are common in adolescents experiencing this disorder. The adolescent displays an outburst of rage when told he or she cannot engage in a requested activity, and often becomes verbally abusive.
Treatment of the bipolar disorder adolescent is best accomplished by utilizing a team approach that includes the services of a mental health counselor and a board-certified child psychiatrist. If the mental health counselor is not experienced with bipolar disorder in adolescence, he or she may want to obtain supervision or consult with a clinician who specializes in child and adolescent treatment( Mc Clellan J., & Werry J. 1997). Upon consultation, a psychiatrist may prescribe medications to treat the disorder. Many of the drugs have bothersome effects initially, but subside once the adolescent becomes accustomed to the medications. However, some side effects may persist. Medications for bipolar children and adolescents have only recently begun to be used. Unfortunately, medications do not cure the underlying disorder, but can contribute to improvements in behavior and emotional stability.…

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