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Опубликованно: 13.05.2004.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
Фрагмент работы

In conclusion, the literature reviews shed light on the fact that MI patients do experience health-related problems as well as psychological and psychosocial difficulties after being discharge from hospital. It is therefore important that cardiac nurses should immediately commence some sort of programme to meet the needs of these patient straight after being discharged from hospital.
In order to provide effective psychological interventions, counselling should include comprehensive assessment of anticipated difficulties and worries that hamper adjustment. Identification of individuals' worries and concerns is essential so that counselling and teaching can be tailored to individual needs.
Cardiac nurses and other health professions should give more attention to the cultural aspects of patient teaching and discharge planning. Adequate teaching is needed to decrease patient uncertainty and increase awareness about important issues needed for successful adjustment. Nurses can also emphasis the importance of written instructions and recommendations to change unhealthy behaviours. The significance of weight reduction and exercise participation for preventing subsequent MIs and improving patient's health should be stressed. Educative counselling programmes should give more attention to the needs of females and older MI patients. This group may have different concerns, worries and beliefs about their capabilities that hamper the adjustment process, and less material resources to support their lifestyle changes.
By completing this assignment, the writer has developed self-awareness the need to relate nursing research, to what is happening in practice is very essential. Moreover the writer believes that knowledge of nursing is needed in order to enhance her professional practice. Cormark (1996), states that research has an important role to play in helping nursing establish a scientific base of knowledge for its practice.

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