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Опубликованно: 22.10.2003.
Язык: Английский
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That means 85% of my population is consuming THC. Though it is small in comparison with how many people in these age groups live in Santa Barbara, I still feel that it can be applied to most of the population of Isla Vista alone. Many variables are associated with the use of THC and its affect on humans, how much have they smoked? How long have they consumed marijuana for?
In my hours of reading the research on the effect that marijuana has on the human reproductive system, I have become more educated on a subject that frankly, doesn't seem to be interesting to the average person. Though some of this research was done over 20 years ago, it still correlates with what is said now. I agree that ingesting THC does and will have adverse affects on our bodies as a whole, not just our reproductive organs. Marijuana has become a drug that some people have shrugged off, thinking it is harmless. Fortunately for those that did not ingest frequent/large doses of THC, they will be fine. For those that continue on, be scared, be very very scared. Perhaps its better that those that abuse marijuana are not able to have children, maybe in a way the effects are just a way of screening out those that shouldn't have children in the first place.

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