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Опубликованно: 01.12.1996.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
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Фрагмент работы

To conclude
Is Human Cloning Ethical? This is a question I can't really answer, I can give my opinion and my views as everyone thinks differently and everyone has had different influences making them come to this decision. Whether it is from their family, friends or media. What I will say though - There are 4000 clones or twins born in the world every day, people see this as an everyday occurrence, a lot of people even hoping to have twins naturally. The methods and procedures previously described in essence are simply producing a 'time delayed identical twin'. The projected benefits of cloning are so great that they cannot possibly be ignored, especially if this simple neglect is seizing the lives of potentially savable victims.
In my opinion one of the main reasons behind the negative attitude of today's general public is due to bad publicity from the media and films like Blade Runner, X-Files, and Jurassic Park. People when hearing the term cloning immediately picture Human Robots all looking, acting and thinking the same. Most of these people are under the impression that reproductive cloning allows scientists to play god, accusing doctors of the very same thing when they first performed heart transplants.

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