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Опубликованно: 18.09.2003.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
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Фрагмент работы

Finally, if reinforcement was the area identified, then you will need to investigate if the necessary elements are present to keep the person from reverting to old behaviors. Address the incentives or consequences for not continuing to act in the new way.
Now that you have completed the ADKAR model for a personal change, you can follow the same process for the change happening at work. This process should give you insight as to where you are in the change process, and what steps you can take to not only survive change, but advance professionally in a changing business environment.
You can think of organizational and personal change in the context of the ADKAR model. If you are deploying a major change in your organization, then a critical step in change management is organizational awareness of the reasons for change. Desire to change at the employee level must be addressed as resistance will be a natural reaction to change. As the change moves into implementation, your will need to develop knowledge about the change and the ability to implement new skills and behaviors. Once the change is in place, you will need to reinforce the change to avoid moving backwards to old behaviors.

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