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Опубликованно: 29.12.2011.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Использованы
Рассмотреный период: 2000–2010 гг.
2011–2015 гг.
Nr. Название главы  Стр.
1.  Problem statement    5
2.  Methodology    5
3.  Motivation    6
4.  Delimitation    6
5.  Invention of chocolate    7
6.  KALEV A/S    7
7.  Market definition    8
8.  Demand analyses    9
8.1  Market size    9
8.2  Market growth    10
8.3  Danish consumers’ habits and attitude towards chocolate    10
8.4  Segmentation    11
9.  Marketing mix    12
9.1  Place    12
9.2  Product    13
9.3  Price    14
9.4  Promotion    15
10.  PEST analysis    17
10.1  Economical factors    17
10.2  Technological factors    19
10.3  Political factors    20
10.4  Social factors    23
11.  Porter’s five forces model    26
11.1  Rivalry    26
11.2  Bargaining power of suppliers    27
11.3  Threat to new entrants    27
11.4  Bargaining power of buyers    28
11.5  Threat of substitute products    28
12.  Conclusions    29
13.  Appendix    31
Фрагмент работы

First step which we have done was a small exploratory research of competitors. We have checked on the internet and in the super markets what companies produce and sell chocolate in Denmark. Secondly, we looked at the products – what kind of chocolate is on the market. After we collected this information, the niche for chocolate with pieces of different fruit and berries was recognized. Due to this finding we thought it could be an opportunity for KALEV A/S to enter the Danish market as a nicher. In order to prove our finding and to investigate the main three subjects which are mentioned in the problem statement we decided to use the following methods:
• Questionnaire;
• Porter’s five forces;
• PEST analysis;
• Marketing mix (4P’s).

The questionnaire and the Porter’s five forces are linked to each other. We created the questionnaire based on the Porter’s five forces. The information which will be collected from the respondents’ answers will help us to do the Porter’s five forces. In other words, we are planning to do the Porter’s five forces analysis (buyers, suppliers, subsidiaries, threat of new entrants, rivals) with the help of the questionnaire. What is more, our questionnaire will give us information about the demand for new chocolate products. Furthermore, the secondary data about Danish consumers’ behaviour, habits and consumption of chocolate are going to be included using data base and internet browsing.
In addition, we considered as important to do PEST analysis and marketing mix (4P’s). It will support our previous models and also give us information about the Danish chocolate market from poliical, economical, social and technologic point of view. Also, it will give the understanding about products, place, price and promotion.…

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