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Опубликованно: 20.11.2002.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
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Фрагмент работы

On February 1, 2003, at 9am, Orange and Motorola will publicly announce their strategic alliance outside Motorola's corporate headquarters in Illinois. To celebrate their new relationship both companies will host free video teleconferencing between both main headquarters throughout the day, to allow the trans-Atlantic cousins to meet.
This cooperative arrangement between Motorola and Orange will be a success, contributed from partner selection with a reputable company, alliance structure, and the manner in which the alliance will be managed. Kenny Hirschhorn and local management will monitor local responsiveness. The joint departments will follow consumer tastes and preferences, national infrastructure, traditional practices, distribution channels, and host government demands.
Motorola is a long-standing company, however it's ethical values have forced us to decide that they will become more profitable by forming a foreign alliance, which can deal with local ethical issues. This strategic alliance will give Motorola an opportunity to gain greater market share, increase profitability, and allow for access to substantial resources. Motorola Inc. and Orange Corp. are both highly regarded companies with technology that follows trends to meet consumer demand. The strategy that will be implemented presents a "win/win" situation for both companies. The coming period of transition to finalize the alliance will open the floodgates to success in this competitive industry.

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