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Опубликованно: 20.08.2003.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
Фрагмент работы

The force of sale of a company is formed by the group of people that they carry out related activities fundamentally with the sale of the products that McDonald's offers. But we already speak therefore of the workers that act most as direct salespersons of the characteristics of the same ones, this epigraph it is centered mainly in the strategies continued by McDonald's towards the sale force.
For McDonald's the sale force is the most important thing because he knows that the appropriate performance of the sale force gives the image of quality and good service that it looks for the company and the sale force supposes the biggest and more correct communication channel toward the clients. And next to the publicity and the promotion of the one that have spoken already, are part of the Plan of Communication of the company.
The main functions that the force of salehas for the McDonald's company it is that of the sale in strict sense, the client helps and to provide information about the products of the company.
None of the salespersons belongs to the insole of him company, they collaborate with the company but they are not integrated in their insole, the collaboration is articulated through contracts that don't suppose a bond of fixed labor relationship and the honorarium that you/they receive they almost depend all of the sold products although they also possess a fixed part.
The force of sale of McDonald's is organized by areas, since the form of acting of each salesperson will depend on the area where it is the restaurant.

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