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Опубликованно: 18.03.2010.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 2 единиц
Ссылки: Использованы
Фрагмент работы

When we are talking about globalization, we must to look and understand system of the world and structure of society, which is very important to understand process of globalization. At the world system we could look in a different ways, but one dimension posited world system like an articulated set within which all elements are functionally integrated into the whole. That’s mean – world is construct of many peaces, but they all are relevant to each other, interact whit each other and together create whole world. So world consist of different countries economy, politics, culture. When we talk about economy, political and cultural manifestations appear as its immediate reflections. But society, which is needed component of country, is formed by an economic infrastructure and an ideological superstructure. The main aspect is that economy is really important factor, which affect globalization. Pretty often, when we talking about globalization – we think about economic aspects like a foreign investments, exports and imports through the world, which bring through the world identical products, services, the standards and patterns. Its like a economic system, whish in one hand bring a economic development and welfare of countries. But, when we are talking about export, import – there is not just an economic question, there already emerge cultural aspects. That is a way, how can bring through the world identical music, movies, literature, what create changes in different countries culture, bring there identical staffs like in economic field. In this case we could talk about globalization in cultural perspectives, but that process is called in other term – mundialization. …

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