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Опубликованно: 01.12.1996.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
Фрагмент работы

In this paper it was shown just how regular citizens were able to defend themselves with the use of a gun. This was because they were trained in the use of the firearm as well as the safety aspects of its use. It has been shown that criminals are afraid of citizens
armed with a gun. It has been shown that arming one self with a firearm can not only be a deterrent to crime but a successful defense. It was shown that if guns were outlawed then only outlaws would have guns. It has been shown that owning and caring a gun is your constitution right as laid out in the second amendment. Whether you agree with the evidence presented in this paper or not this are the facts. Some gun control proponents
will try to distort these facts to hide the truth. But this is the truth. It is because of public option, fear and a misunderstanding of guns that many people feel that guns should be made illegal. But outlawing guns is not the answer. Alleviating the fear and
misunderstanding about firearms is. It is only then that many people will see the benefit of the firearm. Taking guns away from law - abiding citizens while felons continue to use them is not the answer. It is your constitutional right to keep and bear arms. Clearly we have seen that outlaw guns would not be in our best interest. We have seen that doing so would not reduce the number of innocent people killed each year.

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