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Фрагмент работы

The Crime of Affirmative Action
Is it just that qualified student with the credentials to get into the college of his choice is not admitted because of the color of his skin? Is affirmative action really the answer to diversifying our college campuses? According to columnist Maryanne George, "The key issue...is weather or not the use of race is legal under the Constitution's 14th Amendment-commonly known as the Equal Protection Clause."(1). Are colleges using affirmative action to legal discriminate? Does affirmative action contradict out values as a nation? Jennifer Gratz a student who was rejected by Michigan believes "If you give extra points for being of a particular race, then you're not giving applicants an equal opportunity."(Jost 2). Every year many students who should be admitted to colleges they applied to are denied by colleges that they have should get into because of affirmative action. Affirmative action is unfair and discriminating to qualified non-minority students.

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