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Опубликованно: 07.03.2006.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
Фрагмент работы

For my project I chose the book of O. Henry- “Stories”. I didn’t know much about the author. I just knew that he is very famous American writer and that was all. Now I also know that his real name is William Sydney Porter and he was born 11. September of 1862. In 1894 he established magazine “The Rolling Stone”. He was working in a bank in Ohio and got in jail for stealing bank money. But in jail he started to write short stories.
About his stories I can say that all of them were different. Every had its own thought. But there was one conjunctive part- they all had very interesting and unexpected endings. Reading these stories was very interesting to me and it was good entertainment in boring evenings.

„Labi, dārgā,” sacīja Barbara, „Es to nolasīšu, ja tu vēlies!” Viņa atvēra aploksni un ātri izlasīja vēstuli. Tad viņa to pārlasīja un paskatījās uz Nevadu, kura vēl joprojām skatījās uz saviem cimdiem.
Pēkšņi viņa smaidīja. „Nevada,” viņa teica: „Kāpēc tu lūdzi mani izlasīt šo vēstuli? Es esmu pārliecināta, ka tā ir rakstīta tavām acīm, un nevis manējām!”
Nevada uz mirkli aizmirsa par saviem cimdiem.
„Izlasi to skaļi,” viņa teica, „tu jau esi to izlasījusi, tā kā tu vari to izlasīt vēlreiz. Ja misters Varens ir uzrakstījis kaut ko sliktu man, to visiem vajadzētu zināt.”
„Nu,” sacīja Barbara, „lūk kas rakstīts vēstulē: „Dārgā Nevada, atnāc uz manu studiju šonakt pulksten divpadsmitos. Nekavē. Es tevi gaidīšu.” ”
Barbara nosarka un iedeva vēstuli Nevadai.
„Man ļoti žēl, ka to izlasīju,” viņa teica. „Tas nelīdzinās Gilbertam. Tur jābūt kaut kādai kļūdai. Es nesaprotu, kā viņš varēja uzrakstīt šādu vēstuli. Es ceru, ka viņš visu paskaidros. Aizmirsīsim to! Un tagad man jādodas gulēt. Ar labunakti! ”
Nevada skatījās pulkstenī. Tas rādīja ceturksni pāri vienpadsmitiem. Viņa izgāja no istabas un klusi skrēja uz galvenajām durvīm.

Here I wrote a little bit about every story.

The Gift of the Magi

Della and Jim were married and they were in love. But near was a Christmas and they had to buy a presents for each other. And they hadn’t got much money.
In their house were two possessions they were proud of. One was Jims gold watch and the other was Dellas hair. So Della decided to sell her hair and to buy a gold watch chain for her Jim. But she didn’t know that Jim had sold his watch to buy her the Combs. So they spent their Christmas with useless gifts but with lots of love.

Schools and Schools

Old Jerome Warren was a rich man. He lived with his wife’s niece Barbara and his old friend’s son Gilbert. Everyone thought that Gilbert and Barbara soon will get married. But then Nevada showed up. She was the daughter of Jerome’s poor brother Dick.
Soon Jerome and Nevada were in love with each other. But Barbara didn’t like it, of course. One day Nevada got a letter from Gilbert. As she couldn’t read she asked Barbara to read that letter for her.
Barbara decided to play trick on Nevada and told her that Gilbert wants to meet her at the midnight in his studio. So Nevada went to this studio in the snowstorm in the night. But everything went fine and they got married that night. So Barbara played joke on herself.

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