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Опубликованно: 22.04.2004.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
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Фрагмент работы

"Richard II and Henry VI were weak but well intentioned monarchs who had the misfortune immediately to inherit the crown from illustrious predecessors" How does Shakespeare's portrayal of these two kings support this observation
In order to assess this notion that Richard II and Henry IV were weak but well-intentioned monarchs who had the misfortune immediately to inherit the crown from illustrious predecessor it is, of course necessary to examine these predecessors.
In Richard's case, he was created Prince of Wales and succeeded his grandfather, Edward III, to the throne. During his minority, his uncle John of Gaunt was the most influential single noble. John of Gaunt was the son of Edward III. Edward's first son, Richard II father, the battle-famous "Black Prince," died before he was able to succeed his father, hence it was the Richard, who became King Richard II. Richard was only 10 years old and as such he was obviously he not capable of ruling.

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