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Опубликованно: 24.10.2013.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 2 единиц
Ссылки: Не использованы
Фрагмент работы

One should always bear in mind the secret motivations of the author. These can be perceived through the social implications of Moll’s experiences that the author is encouraging the readers not to judge criminals too harshly, without taking into account the differences between their positions and those of more respectable class.
Finally, Moll Flanders is caught and imprisoned after years of being an experienced thief. However, she avoided the death sentence and got fortune to live to an old age. Moll Flanders will remain as an iconic figure for a portrayal of woman in the Age of Reason, who has gone through different stages of life, experiencing both fortunes and misfortunes. She carries the image created from various characteristics, such as, ingenuity, energy, determination.
In conclusion, it should be memorised that in the Age of Reason the idea of a long, realistic work of fiction was new. Daniel Defoe started the beginnings of the novel and presented a colourful autobiographical story, remaining its fascination till the present days. The major themes and ideas of the novel are topical also nowadays, though women’s role in the society has greatly changed, as women deserve their rights and are equal to men. Also the concept of the patriarchal society has changed. The novel “Moll Flanders” definitely will remain as a perfect example of the English literature, portraying the position of woman in the Age of Reason.

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