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Опубликованно: 01.12.1996.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
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Фрагмент работы

The third most important religion of the western world is considered to be Islam. It is the youngest of all religions and began in 610 A.D. by a gentleman named Muhammad, after being visited by the Archangel Gabriel. The angle recited verses to Muhammad that changed his life. He then became a prophet and began preaching about ideas that were very different from the beliefs of the people who lived around him. One of the most important ideas was that there was only one God.
Muhammad was born around the time of 570 A.D. At that time the city of Arabia, where he was born, was no longer ruled by the Persians or the Romans, it was governed by strong, independent, wealthy and powerful families. Most of the Arabic people in Muhammads time believed in many Gods. They believed in worshipping trees, shooting stars and stones that were oddly shaped like people. They, like Muhammad, also believed in "Allah" who was the creator of the universe and the number one God. Muhammad was a part of a ruling family of Mecca, but was very poor and had many devastating events happen to him as a child. Both his mother and father died when he was an infant. He was sent to live with his grandfather.

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