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Опубликованно: 20.05.2004.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
Фрагмент работы

Berlin wanted to compose his very own songs so he had to leaarn to play the piano because if a team, as it was usual at this time writes and composes a song all of them, the writer and composer have to adjust their lyrics or melody to each other so that in most cases the music suffers :" I sacrifice one for the other." Berlin intended to create a special atmosphere. His songs should touch people and should influence them. This atmosphere is engendered by a good melody and fitting words. Berlin wrote songs for all of the people :" They are even more remarkable because they avoided the racial ethnic stereotypes that were so common in this area." He did not have the thought of superiority that was taken for granted by many in America and wrote his song without announcing any positive or negative attitudes towards someone.The only political opinion in his songs was the patriotic message he intended to deliver. He has come as a russian immigrant but felt absolute American and expressesed his patriotic feelings over and over again in his songs :" The reason our American composers have done nothing highly significant is because they won´t write American music.They are ashamed of it as if it were a country relative. So they write imitation European music which doesn´t mean anything, I am doing something they all refuse to do: I´m writing American music."…

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