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Опубликованно: 03.05.2005.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
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Фрагмент работы

Witchcraft is a religion that is practiced all around the world. Witchcraft has been around since mankind has been around. Witchcraft practices many different things. Witchcraft is used as a title for many earth religions. People may also refer to witchcraft as the craft. Damien Echols was found guilty of murder based on unfounded allegations regarding his practice of witchcraft.
<Tab/>Witchcraft is a recognized religion by the United States government. "Witchcraft is a way of life, a practice, a belief system and a religion (Spring)." Witchcraft is considered an earth religion, which means being in harmony with the Earth and with all life (Covenant). People of witchcraft can be referred to as a pagan (someone who practices Earth Religions). A Witch is someone who worships the Gods and Goddesses. Witches also practice magic and follow the spiritual path of Witchcraft (Covenant). Witchcraft is trying to link back to together with the life-force of nature (Spring). Modern witchcraft today includes divination, casting spells, herbalism, and worship (HarlCazz). People of witchcraft worship the Goddess of the Earth, the Triple Moon, Horned God of the sun and animal life as visualizations of immanent nature (Covenant). …

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