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Опубликованно: 01.12.1996.
Язык: Английский
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Фрагмент работы

The Age of Jackson must have been an exciting time. There were electoral scandals, Indian removals, bank vetoes, and nullification. Jackson was the first president from the west, the first to be nominated at a formal political convention, and the first to hold office without a college education. Jackson owned slaves, many acres, and a mansion; he was a frontier aristocrat. He was a fierce military man who had headed the campaign to acquire Florida, and he was seen as a national hero. The Age of Common Man included equality in economic, politic, and reform movements benefited the common people.
When Jackson came to power, the nation had been drastically changed by the Industrial Revolution. The simple, pastoral, agricultural lifestyle was being replaced by the manufacturing world, of cities and factories. On the other hand national bank became a major problem in nation's economy .Nicholas Biddle proved great opposition to President Jackson. He wanted to re-charter the National Bank; however, many people were against Biddle's decision. This was particularly true of people in the west. They were still wary of a national bank, after the Panic of 1819, which involved mishaps in land speculation. …

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