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Опубликованно: 28.10.2005.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
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Фрагмент работы

The "Boggy Man" is one of my favorite horror movies. The movie presents horror as a genre for entertainment which I love to watch. On the contrary, I am afraid of the real horror that is inescapable. That is the horror which dwells and thrives in the society. Being aware of this makes my adrenaline pump. What draws me to horror is not far fetched because horror exists in my surroundings, my religion, and it's like a thief in the night. I have no idea when it will come and attack. This makes me scared. It makes my blood pump faster due to human nature of fear. Subsequently I am drawn to horror in three ways.
The movies help create horror as a genre for wonderment. It fuels horror in an extremely supernatural way. I get astonished as well as fascinated by the suspense and thrills brought to life in these horror movies. Each scenario makes me yearn for the next possible scene that will make my adrenaline rise from the unexpected. And I am thrilled by the reaction of the audience in the cinemas. The way we quiver from our seats when the unfamiliar images appear. The expression on our faces due to the abstract and incongruous shapes we see in these movies leaves me puzzled. I become amazed because we still anticipate eagerly for the next horror to unfold. An example is the movie "The Boggy Man". …

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