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Опубликованно: 14.01.2006.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 8 единиц
Ссылки: Использованы
Фрагмент работы

In nowadays world is very cruel and there is a lot of violence. Every year thousands of innocent people and children die because of explosions, accidents, terrorist attacks. Wars and terrorism affect the whole world. Many people think that there is no danger in place they live, but they are wrong. No- one is safeguarded from things that happen today in the world- conflicts, wars, terrorism, threats etc.
“In the end of 19th century, there seemed was no human on earth, who would be safe from the terrorist attack, because it had become one of the most general reasons for fears among politicians. In 1900 terrorism was the most general problem. It has almost 100 years passed away, but terrorism still is the biggest problem in the world.”(3)
In 1968 Palestinian air pirates made a first hijack and ever since terrorists’ objects of attacks are expanding- ships, airports, embassies etc. So it means that home of terrorism are Asian countries. But it doesn’t mean that all the Asian countries support terrorism. But this is the place where most terrorists accomplish their aims, hide and fight.
“Terrorism is defined as “nongovernmental violence or threat of violence” by the way of creation of panic in society or changing of political tendency.”
In its long history, terrorism has experienced a lot of changes, and in nowadays society has to meet with many kinds of it. In most cases both international and local terrorism is ethnic separatic. Those terrorists are more dangerous then internationally political terrorists, because a lot of people support them.”(3) The Sudan has become terrorist defender. Its military regime kindly gives shelter to murderers and demolition men from all the countries. …

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