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Опубликованно: 16.04.2004.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
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Most justices are worried that libraries may unblock the computers and enable children to access sites that they should not view. (PIKE 2) However, they agree that infringing on someone's first amendment rights may be the main problem. If a library staff is backed up with work, or the library is short-staffed, it could possibly take days before someone is provided with unfiltered internet access. (PIKE 2) There are also other problems out there for the post CIPA world, as the court's language appears to permit minors to request access to some sites that would appear to be harmful to them. (PIKE 3) Overall, this was an extraordinary year for the Supreme Court as it issued significant decisions in this matter and several other areas that affect the information community. (PIKE 3) By upholding the Copyright Term Extension Act and CIPA, among others, the court seemed more comfortable in supporting congressional actions this year. (PIKE 3). Nevertheless, it is unlikely that we have heard the last about this contentious subject.…

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