Gunars Janovskis once wrote „We often talk about acrowd. Grey mass. Crowd has no face, no personality. It flows aroumd us, and we are a part of it.”.
There are no identical pleaces, animals and people on earth. Each one of us is unique. Human being is sociable creature, who needs society. However in such a big crowd we lose ouerselves. Sometimes a person forgets about his own needs, and sacrifices himself to benefits of other people. But why do we set ouer hearts on society, ignoring the fact that eksactle this society hurts or humiliates us. Probably we need other people to be able to stand out in a crowd, to be noticed, appriciated and rewarded.
There are many things that make us unrepetable and flake. One of them is appearance. We have diferent hair, face, body. Eaven identical twins have diferent fingerprints and DNA code. …