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Опубликованно: 01.12.1996.
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Фрагмент работы

With the successful merger of the companies, Colgate-Palmolive India (which derives the bulk of its revenues from toothpaste and toothbrush sales), Hindustan Lever (for which skin-care has been the fastest growing business in recent times) and Henkel SPIC (which has just found a toehold in the personal care market) could find competitive pressures intensifying.
Hurdles ahead (India)
The biggest challenge facing the merger of Indian subsidiaries would be the integration of the operations, manufacturing facilities, work force and the work culture of the two companies. The announcement of an open offer to Gillette India shareholders is still under discussion and resolution of regulatory issues such as this may take time.
It could take months or even more than a year before the Indian subsidiaries copy the global integration of the parents. …

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