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Опубликованно: 25.08.2006.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
Фрагмент работы

What many people and politicians do not understand is that a law will not prevent abortion. Before abortion was legalized thirty years ago, women had abortions, though they were illegal, unsafe and painful. In some cases they even lead to death. "Around the world in countries where abortion is illegal it remains a leading cause of maternal death." (Www. Prochoice.org) Illegal abortion is unsafe abortion and can lead to death. If abortion is outlawed it will cause many great problems not only to women and men but to our economy as well. Women will have to stay home to take care of the kids, put their careers on hold and possibly never achieve their goals. Many will get sicker and bring sick children into this world and many will die trying to have an abortion. Men will have to work twice as hard to provide a living for their families. "Legal, safe abortions are a matter of fundamental human right for women, because laws against abortion do not stop abortion." (Www. Prochoiceactionnetwork-canada.org) A woman should have the right to choose, it is after all only a woman's choice and a woman's body. She is the one that carries the baby; she's the one who has to take care of the baby for the rest of her life. …

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