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Опубликованно: 16.03.2007.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: Нет
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Фрагмент работы

About author: LaVyrle Spencer published her first novel in 1979, and has since gone on to become a major New York Times bestselling author. Known in the romance field as “the Gatekeeper of Romance,” LaVyrle is a four-time winner of the Golden Medallion Award for Best Historical Romance, two-time winner of the Waldenbooks Bestseller Award and recipient of Affaire de Coeur’s Silver Pen Award. Her unique, heartwarming novels of life and love include Hummingbird, Separate Beds, The Gamble, and Vows, among others. She has two daughters.

It was love story. Lavyrle Spencers most enduring love story ever. The story was about Rachel Hollis and Tommy Lee. Once they were high school sweethearts, young and free, but after school each of them married with other person. Tommy had three marriages behind him. Rachel had one husband, but he had dead some months ago. Rachel was still worn her wending ring on her left hand. After 24 years they meted again. Of course they had seen each other many times over the passing years, but never so close. Always, one of them had crossed the street or become politely engaged in conversation with some passerby when the other approached. It was unavoidable in a town the size of Russellville.

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