Now he is truly a person. Not just a person, but a mature person of increasingly reputable morals. Now Alex wants to break away from the group and adopts more the philosophy that "Madness is rare in individuals--but in groups, parties, nations, and ages it is the rule" (Neitzsche 90).
In conclusion it is seen that Alex has effectively changed into a man and has become a morally sensitive individual. He, for himself has chosen good
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over evil and needed no treatment to help him do so. It is realized that in being unable to choose, one is not at liberty, and free will is taken away. Also if one has no say whether good or evil is chosen, it is of no importance because such a decision could be made by a machine. Alex was able to make two evolutions. He evolved from a machine into a human, and the evolved from a human choosing evil, to a human choosing good.