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Опубликованно: 15.06.2004.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
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Фрагмент работы

After studying before 1636, when the war started, it's determined that the English were the aggressors of the Pequot War. To prove the English were the aggressors of this war, the story of the Pequot war will be told, and the story will be linked in order to prove that the English were in fact the aggressors. The English were the aggressors because they made the first attack on the Pequots for an unjust reason.
<Tab/>The story of the Pequot War and the events before and during the war, prove that the English were the aggressors. It all started in the year 1632 when Captain John Stone arrived in Massachusetts on a ship from Virginia. Capt. Stone was bound to travel back to Virginia in a short while. He planned to travel with Capt. Norton who was sailing in through the Connecticut River. Capt. Stone, having some relations with the Dutch, sent two of his men, along with some natives, to sail twenty leagues up river to a Dutch trading house. …

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