Darbā tiek apskatīta agorafobija angļu valodā ar psiholoģisku teorētisko pamatu. Atsauces APA stilā.
This essay will examine a particular phobia called Agoraphobia. Why it impacts a person’s life so negatively, symptoms that are common between persons with this phobia, and treatment options, unfortunately not all treatments always prove to be successful.
Agoraphobia is a special phobia that usually develops in patients with panic disorder (G. L Thorpe et al., 2012) Like other phobias agoraphobia negatively affects a person's social life. The person has an intense fear of public places, especially from crowded situations. This fear arises from not being able to escape if such a need arises. In very severe cases the person may refuse to leave his home completely. This phenomenon is called “avoidance” and it is a very serious psychological problem. A person with avoidance cannot seek help, because they are too afraid.