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Опубликованно: 27.05.2004.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
Фрагмент работы

Alexander governs his administration using techniques of Macedonian and Persian's. The Persian satrap in Asia enabled Alexander to govern a large amount of territory. In India, he replaced hostile rulers with rulers loyal to him and increased their territory. He used the Macedonia practice of founding cities to encourage loyalty with the natives. While he allowed the Persians and Indians to move up in his administration, he primarily used Macedonians.
Alexander took the throne of Macedonia after the assassination of his father. To secure his position as King, he moved quickly to establish himself. Upon Philip's death, he had not settled the Greek city-states leaving them in a state of confusion. His death brought forth internal and external crisis as which Alexander was going to have to secure before he would truly be an unchallenged King. (Plutarch, 263) He first appeased the people of Macedonia by exempting them from taxation. As part of his inheritance he took Philip's position in the League of Corinth. At the League of Corinth, Alexander obtained the approval of the Greeks to liberate the Greek in Asia from Persia. Alexander challengers to the throne were killed and others fled to the Persians. (Hamilton 44) He quickly acted by force against the uprisings of barbarians at Macedonia's northern boarder.

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