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Опубликованно: 01.12.1996.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
Фрагмент работы

Overall, our experimental method worked well. The points plotted on the graph were close to the line of best fit, this shows that the results were accurate and no anomalous results were found. The reason that no abnormal results appeared on the graph was an outcome of carrying out a fair test in each phase of the testing. The experiment could have been improved by changing some of the variables such as the type of plant cell; a carrot or turnip could have been used, instead of using a sugar solution, a salt solution cold have been used and tested. Other things that could have improved the results is by carrying out more than one experiment and then averaging these results.
The experiment was successful and we were able to establish the isotonic point of the potato cell sap by looking at the graph. My initial prediction was that 'I expect the different concentrations to show fairly noticeable effects on the lengths and masses of the potatoes, with the water diffusing into the potatoes at a high rate in the sucrose solution and therefore making their size bigger than at the start.' This experiment proved my prediction correct and confirmed the knowledge that I had gained about osmosis from my background theory. No anomalous results were found which shows that we carried out a fair test and that our measurements were accurate. I think that we have collected enough data to support the scientific knowledge and that the results collaborated with the prediction.

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