Qualifying Consumer
Women who are healthy and have no obstetrical complications can use a birthing center with services provide by a certified nurse midwife. Any other women would have to be referred to an obstetrician.
The Savings Compared to Traditional Care
For every 1000 women birth centers save from having a cesarean birth the savings could equal $7.4 million dollars. This savings to the payers of care has been consistently shown for more than two decades of birth center operation. All charges include professional and facility fees. The charges are based on an average stay of nine hours postpartum and include a comprehensive educational program for early discharge and continuous home follow-up. Hospital charges are based on a stay of 48 hours postpartum and include ancillary charges. (www.birthingfreedom.com)
In conclusion, the birth center approaches pregnancy as a normal family event until proven otherwise. The have demonstrated that they are a viable alternative to costly hospital acute care. It is now time to mainstream these services.