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Опубликованно: 20.04.2003.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
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Фрагмент работы

PEST Analysis
The future prosperity of Wales as a tourism destination is likely to be influenced by a variety of factors that will affect the patterns of demand. These factors are political, economical, social and technological.
Political Factors
·It is the stated aim of the Government, as outlined in its White Paper of May 1998, to improve the public transport infrastructure of the UK for good of the environment. Improvements in the public transport system will provide faster travel, better connections and enhanced quality. This will have a positive effect on the demand for travel and tourism.
·The devolution of Wales from the English Parliament is likely to have a major influence on the future promotion and development in Wales. Currently the government policy is to provide a guideline on how the industry can develop thus contributing to the Welsh economy.
Economical Factors
·Tourism is an established and dominant industry in Wales and is responsible for 10% of all jobs and brings in more than £2billion each year. Employment in tourism and related industries has grown which is helping to broaden Wales economic base. Figure 4 shows employment in tourism related industries in Wales from 1981-1996. As you can see from figure 4 tourism employment rose from 56,900 in 1981 to 79,300 in 1991, this represented an overall 39% increase over that period.

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