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Опубликованно: 13.12.2002.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
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Фрагмент работы

In The Historical Roots of Our Ecological Crisis, Lynn White Jr. argues in almost excruciating detail that our current ecological crisis is a direct result of the Christianity mindset that nature is here to serve man. He begins with a story told by Aldous Huxley in which a valley that Huxley visited as a child was now overgrown with brush because the rabbits that kept the growth under control were dying of a disease introduced by farmers to reduce the rabbits' destruction of crops.
This story sets the mood of man's destruction of nature and White goes into the history of western dominance of science and technology, which he believes recently took a wrong turn and started seriously damaging the environment. He argues that the acceptance of the Baconian creed that scientific knowledge means control over nature around the 13th century may be the most important event in the history of the human race since the invention of agriculture.

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