Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is the most common behavior disorder in children and teens. ADHD refers to a group of symptoms that begin in early childhood and can continue into adulthood. It can cause difficulties at home, at school, at work and within the community if not recognized and treated.
Symptoms of ADHD come in 3 groups. 1. Inattention is the most common symptom, people with this symptom have difficulty paying attention and are often unable to consistently focus, remember and organize. They may be careless and have a difficult time starting and completing tasks that are boring and repetitive or challenging. 2. Impulsiveness, people who frequently act before thinking may not make sound judgments or solve problems well. They can also have trouble developing and maintaining personal relationships. Adults with ADHD may not keep the same job for long or spend money carelessly. 3. Hyperactivity, Hyperactive children will squirm, fidget and climb or run when it is not appropriate they often have difficulty playing with others. Teenagers and adults who are hyperactive don't usually more obvious physical behaviors seen in children. Rather they often feel restless and fidgety and are not able to enjoy reading or quite activities.