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Опубликованно: 24.11.2003.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
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Фрагмент работы

Vilfredo Pareto was an intelligent man, who is known for the contributions he made to several different academic fields. Pareto was a sympathizer of the Fascist party, an engineer, a mathematical economist and a sociologist. Some sociologists criticize Vilfredo's work, claiming that it is too vague, ambiguous and not very important; and therefore he is not given as much attention as some other sociologists of his time. However, although his work is sometimes ignored his theories of Residues and Derivations, his methods of Logic and Non-Logic, and his Circulation of Elites Theory are very useful in learning about sociology.
Pareto was born in Paris in 1848 to a French mother from a wealthy family and an Italian father who was in exile for being a Mazzini follower. Pareto attended the Polytechnic School in Turin and completed his studies with a thesis on the equilibrium of elastic solids. After graduating at the top of his class in 1870, he took his first job as a director of the Rome Railway Company. In 1874, Pareto became the managing director of an iron and steel company. He married a young Russian girl; however they were not together for long before she ran off with their cook. He spent much of his time reading about the literature of Greece and Rome; and in addition to his many other works he translated many sections of the Greek "Anthology." He was able to accomplish many tasks, because he was a diagnosed insomniac and would stay up all night regularly.

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