The word Rage can be simply defined as: violent, explosive anger. As we study the Civil Rights Movement, rage used by many Negro leaders as a catalyst of rhetorical achievement are valued even today. The writings of Malcolm X, Stokely Carmichael, and Martin Luther King exemplify the ideology behind the meaning of rage by either emphasizing its importance to the movement or its relevance as an end result. During the sixties we see examples of this and as a result many discrete audiences are influenced in a tornado-like effect where they are surrounded by the rhetoric.
It is highly important to understand the idea of where Black Power and Black Pride originated from, and the ideology that blacks as human beings must demand unconditional equality. Nevertheless, this demand for equality produces a channel of rage. In his 1967 speech "The Meaning of Black Power", Franklin Florence defines Black Power as "an active attitude...." And I say tonight, freedom and justice are not gifts -- you must take them -- rise up, you mighty black people -- organize and take power." …