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Опубликованно: 14.05.2004.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
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Throughout the movie I would not sat that there is a great use of bright block colors, however in this room it is hard not to notice that some of the toys are wearing bright red. The color especially stands out because of the lack of light. I am not quite sure what the reason for this would be. red is a very vibrant color sometimes signifying passion, danger and anger. Perhaps it symbolizes the imminent struggle and death that is to take place in that room and building.
<Tab/>When Deckard actually encounters the replicant, Pris, her face is painted white with a streak of black covering the eyes. A pinkish blue light heightening her makeup and causing her to look even more eerie also breaks up the shadows in the room. The color of the light also seems to contrast with the action that takes place. The light is soft and shadowy and surrounds two people trying to kill each other.
<Tab/>Blade Runner is fantastic film in its extreme view of the future. The colors and the lighting of the film complement and heighten the experience of the story.

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