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Опубликованно: 21.09.2020.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
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Фрагмент работы

I like what author says about things that you only understand after some time: “Feeling stupid for not having understood something before just shows that you are now cleverer than you were then”. This quote actually makes me feel good. I remember many situations when my mind just can’t get something, I simply don’t understand it. But after a while it seems so easy. Sometimes it takes a few minutes or few hours, but it can take weeks, months or even years. The feeling that I have become smarter makes me feel better and proud with myself.
To summarise, I enjoyed the book and got some new knowledge about mathematics, how to deal with it and that I have to take things easier as well as I learned something new about life in general. I recommend this book to people who are afraid of mathematics, maybe reading it could help, also to people who find it hard and for those who just love mathematics, actually I don’t think that the person who reads this book has to be somehow related to maths because the book has many interesting facts about our life.

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