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Опубликованно: 20.01.2011.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
Фрагмент работы

1.The author, period, type of the novel.
Kristīne Ulberga-Rubīne, born in 1979. She is short story author, publicist and have written three books: “I Don’t Read Books”; “I Don’t Read Books 2” and “Virtual Angel”.
2.The time and place of the novel.
The time of this novel is in modern age, and the main things were happening in summer and the place where everything is happening is here in Latvia. One of those places is countryside next to river Gauja, and the other place is the capital city Riga.
This literary debut is an intriguing novella full of unexpected twists and turns. The book urges us to reconsider the motives and consequences of our actions, the nuanced relationship between teens and their parents, and our attempts to find the right answer to any question.
3.The plot.
Kristaps is an adventurous, stubborn and unyielding teen searching for his own path in life. Along the way, he encounters the ignorance of adults and the apathy and fear of his peers. He hates his father’s constant busyness and his stepmother’s didacticism. He is listening to heavy metal music, he has got long black hair and he dresses like those metallic guys, too.…

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