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Опубликованно: 03.12.1996.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
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Фрагмент работы

The conquest of the Aztec empire can be seen as a collision between two diverse societies whose cultural differences are just as distant as the dividing seas between the two worlds. Spaniards had the intention of territorial expansion and wealth accumulation while the Aztecs had intentions of maintaining their livelihood. Three of the most substantial factors that reflect the cultural differences are their perceptions of gold, warfare, and religion. (In my opinion,) The differing views of gold was the most important factor in onset of the war, thus it was the most significant cause of the cultural dispute. This dispute would lead to religious dispute, and ultimately to war which also showed incongruity in both cultures.
At the forefront of this dispute was the leader of the Spaniard expedition Hernan Cortes The economic motive of the Spanish conquistador Cortes was based primarily on gold. This was what ultimately drove to the Spaniards to the destruction of Aztec empire. To the Aztec Indians, the value of precious metals/rare objects was highly prized. …

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