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  • "Bush, Tumulty, and Strauss "Synthesis of Article "Making His Case" by Karen Tumulty, "Attacking Iraq, Think Again," by Mark Strauss


    Эссе3 Политика

3,49 € В корзину
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Опубликованно: 01.12.1996.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
Фрагмент работы

The people of the United States and their leaders are, at this time, facing some of the largest challenges that this country has ever encountered. Decisions have to be made and Americans need to have more assurance that they're the right ones. As presented in his speech in Cincinnati on October 8, President George W. Bush determinatively speaks about doing something about the problem of terrorist threats and of Saddam Hussein, with or without allied support. He has a mountain of skepticism to overcome, however, Karen Tumulty, in her account, "Making His Case," examines the political skills of Bush and the challenges he faces in convincing the rest of the world to come along side us in dealing with the problem of Hussein. Likewise, journalist Mark Strauss, in his article, "Attacking Iraq. (Think Again)." agrees with the President on some issues, but differs on others and gives his reasons for doing so. As war seemingly approaches, the citizens of the United States have begun to ask three main questions. These are, "Is this war really necessary and is now the time to fight it?", "Is there a connection between recent terrorist acts and Saddam Hussein?", and "What will be the consequences of starting a war with Iraq?" (Tumulty 21).
The President argues that, "Yes! This war is necessary," and claims that now is the best time to fight it. …

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