Capital Punishment
2011–2015 гг.
My thesis is confirmed. Capital punishment is revenge for something. For example in Islamic countries men who feel resentful even if his wife just looks to other men he is lapidate, his own wife. This is the country where capital punishment is worst; they punished people just for simple things. And anyway relatives suffered whole life not criminal this is just one moment and you die. I think every country has to stop this practice and the first should be United States because this is democratic country, and democracy doesn’t mean to kill people. And the second reason why countries has to stop apply death penalty as a punishment because sometimes there are not so much information that exact person are really guilty, but United States prefer to tell that it never happens but there are facts that some people sit in jail for 5 and more years and then court recognize that this person is not guilty another is guilty. And of course the same happens with innocent people which are not alive anymore because the court sentence death penalty. In Europe capital punishment is not allowed because we are democratic union and in the most countries religious views are very strong like in Italy, even if the state is separated from church. Nowadays catholic and orthodox didn’t accept capital punishment.…
Capital punishment is one of the ways how to punish criminal. In my essay I describe what capital punishment is, write about history and nowadays. Capital punishment has in the past been practiced by most societies but nowadays many countries abolished it. Only in United States of America (but not in all America), China, India and Indonesia continue to apply death penalty. These are countries where is overpopulation, maybe this is the reason of why they continue capital punishment, maybe in these countries human or criminal life is not so important. In Europe capital punishment is not prohibited. I think in every country has to prohibit capital punishment because imprisonment is biggest punishment for criminals. The best way how to punish criminal is give him life imprisonment, if the sentence is capital punishment people is death and that’s all. But if government put criminal in prison for life this is better because criminal really feel the pain he just stay in prison for the rest of his life and then maybe he think about the pain which he did to another people. The worst thing that someone else can do with you is restrict your freedom. You cannot feel alive if you cannot feel free. This is my thesis – capital punishment it’s not punishment for criminals but it is pain for his relatives. Relatives suffer more but criminal just know that he is just dying and he is going to be relieved from everything. To sit in prison for example in India could be worse than just die. Government has no rights give criminal capital punishment even if he was killed a lot of people no one has right to punish people in that way. The second thing why capital punishment is not so good because government can punish people who are totally innocent and it happens.
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