After Christ was crucified, it was believed that Apostle Peter built the church and that Peter was the first Catholic Bishop of Rome known as the pope today. The Pope today is the leader of Catholic religion and he lives in Vatican City. Cardinals are person's chosen by the pope to be his key assistants and advisers in administering church matters. As a group, these persons form the Sacred College of Cardinals. Historically, the first cardinals, in about the sixth century, were priest in charge of leading churches in Rome. According to the laws of the church, a person must be a priest or a bishop before receiving cardinalate. Archbishops are next on the hierarchy they report to the cardinals. There may be only one Archbishop for several dioceses. For every diocese there is a Bishop. In Alabama there is a Bishop that covers from Montgomery to north Alabama. And the Archbishop is in Mobile that covers from Montgomery to south Alabama. The Bishop in Birmingham still reports to the Archbishop. You have Monsignors that are below a Bishop. The leaders on the local perishes are the priest, which priest report to the Bishops. Last in the hierarchy are the deacons and they are the assistants to the priest.…