--Launching the New Government: Washington = easily and unanimously elected President. Adams = Veep: "complicated man, vain enough to invite laughter, but so quick, so keen, so talented" that no one dared. Adams set trend for Veep by keeping himself i n background.
--A Strong Executive: Washington's strength = in his simplicity of mind. Completel devoted to making the new government a success. First job = to establish respect for his own office: Experiences with England equated executive power with hereditary, i rresponsible monarchy in minds of most Americans. Also, extent of executive power = not clearly defined in Constitution, and it = up to Washington to set the precedents.
--Just by taking office, Washington helped prestige greatly. Also surrounded himself almost regally.
--Washington's head advisor = Madison
--Washington quickly seized departments of Treasury, State, and War for executive, thus establishing executive independence. …