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Опубликованно: 21.01.2005.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
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Фрагмент работы

"At some point over the course of the school year 61% of college students have described themselves as feeling hopeless, while 45% have reported feelings of depression so severe it has been difficult for them to function"(Trubo). Depression is such a big problem because of the large amount of college students affected but not treated. "Only 37% of all college freshmen graduate in four years or less" (New Online Resource Shines Spotlight on Actual Graduation Rates and Tuition Costs of American 4-Year Universities While Providing Students With Essential Information Needed to Select the Right College). Falling graduation rates can be contributed to depression which is a large and growing problem in the college student population.
"Depression can affect your body, mood, thoughts, and behavior. It can change your eating habits, how you feel about things, your ability to work, study, and interact with other people" (What do These Students Have in Common?). According to the American College Health Association only 10% of college students have been diagnosed with depression (Peterson). Twice as many women 12.8% have been diagnosed with depression, as opposed to 6.2% of men (Peterson). Depression is both a physical disorder, rooted in brain chemistry and our genes, and an emotional and environmental disorder, meaning that it's accentuated by stressful life events (Gavin). The symptoms of depression can be obvious to friends and family but not always to those that are affected.

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