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Atlants.lv библиотека
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Опубликованно: 17.04.2004.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
Фрагмент работы

During the early 1940's many European, countries and the United States, were recovering from World War I and the depression. Due to the fact that no one initially could or wanted to control Hitler's dictatorial power his extreme racism got out of control and he was able to slaughter millions of Jews. Though eventually Hitler brought destruction upon himself, if other countries would have stopped him in the early stages, World War II may have never happened. Though countries might have wanted to stop Hitler in Germany; they had their own county and people to worry about. The economic troubles prevented England and other European nations from taking part in international issues, and Hitler took full advantage of their weak conditions. This lack of interest form European powers proved deadly in the long term. Hitler got stronger as time went on and his racism against Jews was pushed further with the start of Concentration Camps. Some might claim that even if the major European Powers did interfere Hitler could not have been stopped, this was because of the strong support he had of his people. All the countries in Europe were stronger than Germany as a whole so they could have stopped Hitler and his racist approach.During the early 1940's many European, countries and the United States, were recovering from World War I and the depression. Due to the fact that no one initially could or wanted to control Hitler's dictatorial power his extreme racism got out of control and he was able to slaughter millions of Jews. Though eventually Hitler brought destruction upon himself, if other countries would have stopped him in the early stages, World War II may have never happened. Though countries might have wanted to stop Hitler in Germany; they had their own county and people to worry about. The economic troubles prevented England and other European nations from taking part in international issues, and Hitler took full advantage of their weak conditions. This lack of interest form European powers proved deadly in the long term. Hitler got stronger as time went on and his racism against Jews was pushed further with the start of Concentration Camps. Some might claim that even if the major European Powers did interfere Hitler could not have been stopped, this was because of the strong support he had of his people. All the countries in Europe were stronger than Germany as a whole so they could have stopped Hitler and his racist approach.…

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