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Опубликованно: 13.12.2017.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
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Cruel Treatment of animals is still out there in our world and is a crime committed in many ways, even if there is lack of information or no legislation is improved or implemented, we truly believe it is a crime. Animals are suffering from pain, which consists of hitting, striking, killing, forcing them to fight, do actions which they are not used to do. No matter how the cruel treatment of animal is used or why it is taking place, there are still laws and bans that deal with cruelty. The laws, bans and criminal liability for cruel treatment of animals should be and need to be taken into greater consideration and it need to be used and treated in the right way. There is a growing awareness in the society on the importance of animal welfare and animal protection. Animal protection has become an important issue in many countries of the world.

The attitude of the society on animal cruelty is changing, the society slowly moving towards the improvement of bans and laws for animal use. Nowadays society and governments of the countries are willing to stop cruel treatment of animals and many of them have implemented laws which strongly prohibit animal abuse, that is a big step in our world to stop cruel treatment of animals.

People must remember that ethical duty of the mankind is ensuring wellbeing and protection of an animal. A moral imperative of the person is - to respect any creation, to treat animals with thoughtful understanding and to protect them. It is not allowed to anybody without the reasonable reason to kill an animal, to hurt him, to bring sufferings or to do harm otherwise

Statistics report that only 1 in 1000 animal cruelty cases result in Criminal Code convictions. No one really pays attention to how people treat animals. Society should really stop considering animals as their property. Animals have rights as well as people do. So we should stop taking it for granted. Instead, people should protect those who are not able to protect themselves.

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