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Опубликованно: 08.06.2012.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 5 единиц
Ссылки: Использованы
Фрагмент работы

Even though Mazzini believed that self-determination would help to maintain the peace for a long run, coercive means and violence would be inevitable in the fight with monarchical usurpers. According to Mazzini, those violent means would be justified in favour of further democratic development. Also, within the establishment of other democracies, they would all become politically friendly, adopt peace-seeking attitudes and would not need to fight with one another. Democratic nations would even cooperate with each other to fight together the remained aggressors.
In conclusion, going back to his activity as a revolutionary, it all goes to more thinking rather than doing. Mazzini could be addressed as the man of thought than the man of action. His mission was to inspire and inspirit. Especially if to compare him with his fellow revolutionary figures such as Giuseppe Garibaldi or Ferrari, who were the man of action. Also, probably one of his failures could be that he did not live in Italy himself and was familiar with the problems through second hand knowledge. As well as his writings were devoted mostly to educated and intellectual audiences, whereas it is common to think that revolutions are likely to be conducted by the most suffering lower classes. Nevertheless, Mazzini is one of the most influential political figures of the 19th century in Italian and European history. His ideas and views had found of much support in later years. And finally, his dream of United Italy has come true in 1861, what was his achievment undoubtedly.

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